Disco, Fairing partner seamlessly to drive $1M+ in value to Caraway’s Post-Purchase.

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“Pairing Disco with Fairing makes our order confirmation page much more valuable. We use Question Stream to validate and de-risk investments across our media mix. And publishing DiscoFeed unlocked ad distribution that drove us over $1M+ in incremental revenue and 5X ROAS last year.”
Hailey Soderlund
Associate Director of Growth

The Challenge

Like many DTC brands, Caraway is always looking for new growth strategies and ways to diversify their channels. Hailey had been exploring podcasts, but wondered what other digital channels she could leverage. How could she continue to acquire new shoppers profitably while also mitigating channel dependency risk?

The Solution

DiscoFeed displaying under Fairing’s Question Stream
for a streamlined shopper experience.

Hailey discovered that DiscoFeed offered a new way to advertise on the order confirmation pages of 1,000+ premium DTC brands, allowing her to reach high-intent, active shoppers at the point of sale. Caraway’s products would be recommended to shoppers based on their past purchases, just after they checked out from a complementary brand. They just needed to publish DiscoFeed on Caraway’s order confirmation page (OCP) to get started.

Caraway was also using Fairing’s Question Stream on their OCP to gather valuable insights - such as whether or not their investment in new digital channels like Disco were paying off. It was important for Caraway to ensure that adding another app wouldn’t complicate the shopper experience. DiscoFeed was designed to work hand in hand with other post-purchase tools so it could smoothly display just underneath Fairing’s Question Stream.

Caraway could use both tools seamlessly without burying key information like estimated shipping times or order details.

The Results

In 2023, Disco drove over $1 million in sales at a 5X ROAS for Caraway, with scale growing every quarter.

In addition, Fairing’s Question Stream prompted shoppers to answer where they heard about Caraway. These survey insights continue to give Hailey and team a competitive advantage on where they should invest in alternative channels.

About Disco

A new way to find customers. Disco is a post-purchase ad network where top brands drive top-line growth together. Drive 1% incremental revenue with DiscoFeed, the most valuable placement online.

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