Earn pure profit with every checkout.

Get paid to display premium, personalized offers that elevate your customer experience.

Turning millions of checkouts into growth channels

Powered by AI

Turn your web traffic into revenue with AI-driven offers.

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Publish DiscoFeed on your site to start earning.
Delight your customers with AI-powered offers that are tailored to each customer’s interests
Easily exclude competitors.

Publish DiscoFeed on your site

Shopify brands can get started in as little as 10 minutes. Not on Shopify? Your dev team can follow our WebSDK to add DiscoFeed in just a few steps.

Display personalized offers
your customers will love

Disco's machine learning predicts what shoppers are likely to buy next. Display non-competitive offers tailored to each of your customer's interests.

Get paid quarterly

Earn pure profit on every checkout while delighting your customers with personalized offers tailored just for them.

Actually relevant ML-driven recommendations • Easily exclude competitors • Customizable styling to match your site • Won’t impact site speed or checkout
Actually relevant ML-driven recommendations • Easily exclude competitors • Customizable styling to match your site • Won’t impact site speed or checkout
Actually relevant ML-driven recommendations • Easily exclude competitors • Customizable styling to match your site • Won’t impact site speed or checkout
Actually relevant ML-driven recommendations • Easily exclude competitors • Customizable styling to match your site • Won’t impact site speed or checkout

See how much you can make

Monthly online transactions
Earn up to
*These figures are illustrative and not guaranteed, as performance will depend on your specific goals and objectives.

Uncover customer insights only found on Disco.

$65B transactions
130M+ shopper profiles

360° view of your shoppers.

Our commerce graph is built on $65B in transactions across 130M+ shopper profiles.

Unlock hidden partnership opportunities.

Discover brands that share high customer overlap with you.

Ready to unlock more profit?

Boost your bottom line and shopper experience.

Talk to a Disco team member
Scott Kramer
VP of Growth Marketing

In addition to Disco driving strong advertising performance, the fact they allow us to directly monetize our own post purchase inventory makes the partnership a no brainer.


What is DiscoFeed? How do I get paid to publish it on my site?

DiscoFeed is an AI-powered widget embedded on your site. It displays personalized offers to your customers from our advertiser network of top consumer brands. We pay publishers of DiscoFeed per transaction. See the calculator above to estimate your potential annual earnings.

What kinds of offers will my customers see?

If you publish DiscoFeed on your post-purchase pages, your customers will receive personalized offers from a mix of trending premium brands and other well-known consumer services and subscriptions. Our recommendation model is built on a commerce graph representing 130M+ shopper profiles and hundreds of advertisers across 28 consumer categories. Because our advertiser network is so diverse, we are able to deliver truly relevant recommendations tailored to an individual shopper’s interests and buying habits.

Can I control what advertisers appear on my site?

Yes - you can easily exclude competitors and any sub-categories. That said, we recommend keeping it as open as possible to maximize your earnings.

Does it cost anything to become a Disco publisher?

No - there are no fees. We pay you!

What is the installation process like?

Your development team will follow our dev docs to add DiscoFeed to your website. It should be less than an hour of developer work. For Shopify brands, it’s even easier - simply download our app; no code required.

What counts as a viewable transaction?

At least 50% of the DiscoFeed widget must be in view on the page for one second.

Can I both monetize and advertise with Disco?

Yes, you can both publish DiscoFeed on your site to earn pure profit and you can advertise across the post-purchase pages of hundreds of top consumer brands and experiences. Learn more about DiscoAdvertise here.

Ready to unlock more profit?