Unlocking TikTok for Growth: 5 Pro Tips from Primally Pure & MuteSix

Curious about tapping into TikTok for customer acquisition, but not sure how to get started?
In our recent fireside chat with TikTok, MuteSix and KnoCommerce, we dug into how one of our brands, Primally Pure, approached adding TikTok to their overall mix and had an early win.
Listen to the full recording or skim our favorite pro tips below that came out of the discussion.
Primally Pure’s TikTok “Aha Moment”
“All of a sudden, we started selling four to five times the amount of this product overnight.” - Dinah Chapman, Marketing Director, Primally Pure
It’s the moment all marketers hope for - your sales are suddenly spiking and you’re trying to understand why. In working with MuteSix, Primally Pure saw an early win with TikTok and realized how powerful one piece of successful creative can be:
“Yeah, there was this really cool aha moment, if you will, where we had a relatively new product and we had not started running any tests on Meta yet, but we had one piece of creative we didn't expect anything substantial to come from. It was just like any other piece of creative that we worked on with MuteSix. And we had sold this product pretty consistently since launch. And then all of a sudden, we started selling four to five times the amount of this product overnight. It was an extremely fast transition. … what we all get so excited to see as marketers. … we really saw truly overnight what the power of one piece of successful creative can do for a hero product of ours.” - Dinah Chapman Marketing Director, Primally Pure
Pro Tip 1 - Think holistically about defining success.
“Efficiencies in platform are a thing of the past if you're really looking for overall brand and sales growth.” - Dinah Chapman, Marketing Director, Primally Pure
We’re hearing from brands that adding TikTok has actually led to improved performance across all their paid channels. Primally Pure and MuteSix explained how they take a holistic view of what success means and not overly myopic in understanding efficiencies when the real goal is growth:
“I actually look at [success] holistically across all paid channels. … efficiencies in platform are a thing of the past if you're really looking for overall brand and sales growth. …If the goal is efficiencies, then that's one thing, but if the goal is brand growth, holistic sales growth, you really have to look at things in a different way. We all know the issue with attribution and who's taking credit for what … looking at things in platform and using that as baseline or even using any other third party tool as baseline is limiting. So really going into it saying, Okay, we're gonna go into this and look for a holistic all boats rise situation. That's what success meant to us. We knew we were incrementally investing in TikTok as a new channel.” - Dinah Chapman, Marketing Director, Primally Pure
“The biggest takeaway is to really redefine success. … Shy away from directly comparing TikTok to other platforms. TikTok is unique. Success is 100% there on TikTok if you implement a diversified approach.” - Ilene Rothman, Paid Social Campaign Manager, MuteSix
Pro Tip 2 - Allow for a learning ramp up phase.
“Test … for several months to see if this is a long term strategy.” -Ilene Rothman, Paid Social Campaign Manager, MuteSix
When Primally Pure began exploring adding TikTok, MuteSix made sure they were set up for success by establishing a ramp up phase focused on learning:
“...we were very clear in expressing that we should test this platform for several months - at a minimum three, ideally six, to see if this is a long term strategy. Is TikTok viable? And with our initial goal, we were clear it's not going to be a performance phase, [but a] learning phase.” - Ilene Rothman, Paid Social Campaign Manager, MuteSix
Pro Tip 3 - Learn directly from customers what’s working with a post-purchase survey.
“And so finally we connected all the dots. …we're able to see success from one product and conclude TikTok is working.” - Dinah Chapman, Marketing Director, Primally Pure
Primally Pure leveraged KnoCommerce as a post-purchase survey tool to shed light on attribution and understand where their customers were coming from. This is what helped them realize TikTok was working:
“And then all of a sudden, you know, we were digging into the data and we saw that this ad had slightly higher performance in platform but nothing too crazy when compared to the other ads. But we decided to take it further …to see what's happening. … we finally looked into our KnoCommerce post purchase survey. We asked our customers directly, ‘Hey, what drove you to purchase today?’ and we saw a spike in customers saying TikTok. And so finally we connected all the dots. …through these data points, diversifying our strategy and analyzing performance, we're able to see success from one product and conclude TikTok is working.” - Ilene Rothman, Paid Social Campaign Manager, MuteSix
(P.S. We actually have a special integration with KnoCommerce letting you display their post-purchase survey followed by DiscoFeed in one swoop on your order confirmation page.)
Pro Tip 4 - Don’t go in cold. Target high-intent audiences out of the gate.
“...create an audience out of the gate that has affinity.” - Dinah Chapman, Marketing Director, Primally Pure
In case you missed it, DiscoAudiences is now available on TikTok - sign up here for early access. Primally Pure explained how using this kind of high-intent targeting tool is giving them more confidence in their investments:
“Of course the goal is to find the high-converting audience, high-converting creative - the secret sauce, rinse and repeat. It doesn’t work because you can’t match 1:1 data and you can’t create an audience out of the gate that has affinity. So when you hear of a tool like this, it’s truly, like I said, the dream come true because now you have more faith in the money you’re about to invest. You know it’s going to be more cost-effective. It’s way easier to scale.” - Dinah Chapman, Marketing Director, Primally Pure
Pro Tip 5 - Leverage partners “who get it” to get the most out of TikTok.
“Find a partner like MuteSix that has leaned into the platform and gets it. I would say MuteSix gets it right now.” - Justin Liut, Agency Partnerships Director, TikTok
A general theme throughout the discussion was how Primally Pure smartly engaged several partners - MuteSix, KnoCommerce and Disco - to ensure they were getting the most out of TikTok. For brands interested in testing or retesting TikTok, MuteSix offered specific advice:
“Our explicit advice to brands that are retesting or testing TikTok for the first time is to approach it with the intent that TikTok is going to work. I’m going to implement a properly-worded post-purchase survey. I’m going to follow best practices for campaign set up. I’m going to have strong and diversified creative. I’m going to have an appropriate budget to unlock success. I’m going to come ready to experiment with new partners and tactics. And if I don’t know how to do this, I'm going to partner my brand with those that have proven that they can.” -Ilene Rothman, Paid Social Campaign Manager, MuteSix
For more tips from the fireside chat, head over to the MuteSix blog where they dive deep into diversification tactics and how to launch on TikTok and see impactful results.
Interested in getting started with TikTok?
Take advantage of these special offers from our partners:
- MuteSix: Free Marketing Consultation / Audit
- KnoCommerce & TikTok: $5,000 in TikTok Ad Credits
We’re also always happy to chat about how we can help you supercharge your efforts on TikTok and beyond. Reach out for a free consultation and demo.